(logo by Franz Galo)

Bristophe is Brice Catherin and Christophe Schweizer.

We can’t always promise exactly who is going to play which instruments, but usually you can expect to hear cello, trombone, a bit of electronics, maybe some tuba, a touch of clarinet, plus e.g. recorder and other flutes, double bass, alpine horn, voice, bird calls, a few toys, and whatever else they come across that might produce some type of sound.

We also know that while it is true that Bristophe enjoy being on stage, their definition of just where that is appears to be a somewhat different one, as they tend to wander all around the room, playing behind or in the midst of the audience; or furthermore to disappear behind curtains or onto the hallways.

We do know for certain, though, that they improvise.

Bristophe is half Swiss living in Hamburg (Germany), half French living in places (Switzerland, Cyprus, UK...). Occasionally both halves meet in one place, and that’s when sound happens: sometimes extremely loud (even to them), sometimes so soft that you have to bend your head and dilate your eardrums to notice anything; sometimes far away, and sometimes as close as a few inches from you.

But whatever happens, it sparkles like a shimmering fire.

2007 - First tries
2008 - Hamburg in June
2008 - Guns n' noises
2009 - Frankenstein
2009 - Alfred Schnittke Akademie
2009 - Hamburg in August
2009 - Christiankirche
2011 - Secret Project
2011 - Martial arts
2011 - Electronic Unplugged
2012 - Bristophone
2012 - Mediumnic visit #1
2012 - Deichtorhallen
2012 - Reformiert Kirche
2012 - Live für die Insel
2013 - Ostriches
2013 - More Bristophones
2013 - Hors-Chant
2014 - Bristophe Rules
2020 - feel.jazz festival
2020 - Noisebringers #4
2020 - Music for the masses
2020 - A Eurocentric and Eurocentric Adjacent Worldwide Anthology of Experimental Practices During the Period 23 – 2243 AD
2024 - Improvisation at Alliance Française de Lusaka (Zambia)


2007 - First tries

Very first experiments in front of a selected audience. Hamburg (Germany), July 2007


2008 - Hamburg in June

Bristophe and a guest pianist.

Bristophe and another guest pianist and also a guest violinist.


2008 - Guns n' noises

In 2008, Akouphène asked Bristophe and fifteen other bands to record a new music for a scene of Sergio Leone's The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. Watch Bristophe's version here:


2009 - Frankenstein

The directors of an extremely great Frankenstein had asked Bristophe to record pieces for their movie. We made about twenty of them, and they were all dismissed. Hihihi! Seven of them are now in a free downloadable album.

Available for free on Test Tube.


2009 - Alfred Schnittke Akademie

Extract of an improvisation at the Alfred Schnittke Akademie, on the 14th of May 2009 in Hamburg.


2009 - Hamburg in August

We recorded Le fils de la prophétesse It is available for free on Pan y Rosas.


2009 - Christiankirche

A live concert in Hamburg, Christiankirche, November 2009, which became the first part of our album die ersten Zwei Kirchen.

It also has the first duet for church organ and clavichord of the history of mankind. It is available for free on Pan y Rosas.


2011 - Secret project


2011 - Martial arts

Master Dominique Falquet asked Bristophe to record some music for a demo movie for his martial arts club.


2011 - Electronic Unplugged

Bristophe gave a concert on Thierry Van Hasselt's "moving paintings" during the Electron Festival in Geneva in April 2011. The theme of the concert was "Electronic Unplugged", so we played totally acoustic instruments and made them sound like they were electronic. This is Thierry's Tableau 2.


2012 - Bristophone

Please kindly visit this page.


2012 - Mediumnic visit #1

Please kindly visit this page.


2012 - Deichtorhallen


2012 - Reformiert Kirche

During the summer we went to Spiez and we recorded a few new pieces in the local reformiert Kirche. It would become the second part of our album die ersten zwei Kirchen.

It also has the first duet for church organ and clavichord of the history of mankind. It is available for free on Pan y Rosas.


2012 - Live für die Insel

Hamburg, August 2012.

Concept and building of the box: Bastien Gachet and Mélissa Tun Tun

Music: Bristophe.

This project became Ostriches.


2013 - Ostriches

Please kindly visit this page.


2013 - More Bristophones

Bristophe built gigantic Bristophones at the EJMA (Lausanne, Switzerland) and at the Salle Communale de Plainpalais (Geneva, Switzerland) for the festival la fureur de lire.


2013 - Hors-Chant

In December 2013 we were invited by the MEN (Ethnography Museum of Neuchatel, Switzerland) for a performance for the closing of their exhibition Hors-Champ ("off-camera"). Christophe built musical clothes that made us look like weird musical monks, and I composed a pagan mass for the glory of ethnography. Musical instruments were distributed to the audience and everybody had to participate, just like people would in an ordinary mass. It was probably the worst concert of our career because the audience members were all totally drunk since there were coming out of the open bar of the closing exhibition in question, and were playing at random and very loud. Since this experience, my pieces with audience participation bear the disclaimer "not suitable for drunk people". (It's true.)


2014 - Bristophe Rules

For practical reasons, Bristophe Rules became ONE-MAN-BAND after a year. Please kindly visit this page.


2020 - feel.jazz festival

After a short break, Bristophe resumed with more awesomeness/bristophoneness and a guest.

Here are some pictures by Yunus Hutterer.


2020 - Noisebringers #4

(Videos by Eleanor Cully)

(image by Jasmine Matthews, 2019)


2020 - Music for the masses

music for the masses is a (double) album recorded by Bristophe. Entirely improvised on countless instruments in two churches-chapels in Yorkshire, it features the following prestigious guest stars: Bethany Nicholson, Mark Slater, Moss Freed, Alessia Anastassopulos, David Birchall and Pierre Alexandre Tremblay. Available for free on Pan y Rosas.


2020 - A Eurocentric and Eurocentric Adjacent Worldwide Anthology of Experimental Practices During the Period 23 – 2243 AD

Please kindly visit this page.


Improvisation at Alliance Française de Lusaka (Zambia)

In July 2024, Brice Catherin organised a musical encounter between Zambian and EU-based improviers. Maria Sappho and Christophe Schweizer helped greatly in the organisation and running of the workshop. Brice thanks them officially for this, and thanks all the musicians for the great music.



I know I just wrote it above, but here you are again, music for the masses is a (double) album recorded by Bristophe. Entirely improvised on countless instruments in two churches-chapels in Yorkshire, it features the following prestigious guest stars: Bethany Nicholson, Mark Slater, Moss Freed, Alessia Anastassopulos, David Birchall and Pierre Alexandre Tremblay. Available for free on Pan y Rosas.

die ersten zwei Kirchen is a (double) album recorded by Bristophe. It has the first duet for church organ and clavichord of the history of mankind. It is available for free on Pan y Rosas.

Le fils de la prophétesse is the very first (double) album recorded by Bristophe, but the second one to be released. (cf. dismissed Frankenstein below.) It is available for free on Pan y Rosas.

Dismissed Frankenstein is the second album (but the first one to be released) by Bristophe (Brice Catherin + Christophe Schweizer). Available for free on Test Tube.

Bristophe, participated in this very nice compilation made by akouphene whose name is “guns’n’noises” and which pieces can all be found for free on their Youtube channel.
